Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hitting the Home Stretch

I feel like I have been in limbo lately, constantly working with little down time. I am well aware that today is December 13, but I feel stuck back in November. Today a few things were cleared from my very full plate and breathing is a bit easier. Only a bit, though.

While I still have ALL of my Christmas shopping to accomplish in the next 11 days, I did manage to get my New Year cards ordered from Shutterfly this afternoon. Last year, I switched gears and decided to start a new tradition by sending New Year greetings. Normally, I do stuff like this to purposely be different. However, I simply failed to manage my time adequately enough to get the cards out on time. Time management is a problem I continue to struggle with, a reoccurring theme throughout 2012. In fact, this year I was certain I was going to miss my new year deadline and have to start sending out MLK Jr. cards.

One important holiday task is now checked off my Christmas to-do list. Time to hit the home stretch hard, find some Christmas spirit and get the rest of those tasks done. Just 11 days. Breathe!

Anyone out there feeling pressured and overwhelmed this holiday season?

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.